GO GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey all Bills, Bobs, Berthas,berts and borris's(hehe funny name!!)

hey peeps!! this is OUR website!!! granted we dont
know who the hell us is! but when did that stop us!!
Do not be surprised if the picture to the left changes
every time u look at it as we will have different things
2 put there...
just think of it as 1 big mad double sided fried game
with pancakes in it..
and allways remember to allways check ure cheese
before u go outside and make sure the goat is jumping
Well first of all at the mo only the first three pages of this site are done so ignore the rest!! ***UPDATE***We've now pretty much completed all of the pages, so feel free to browse. remember, about is satan, and Whats New is TCOTBBQDWM
***New UPDATE*** We've pretty much completed most of the pages now, but we still need sum pix 4 our photos page. enjoy. oh, n i reely need to delete the irrelevant stuff from this section! ah well, what're u gonna do?

Special thanks goes out to Eliza Dushku, the finest female on the face of the planet, whose presence is a blessing to us all

Thnk u 2 many people for inspiring the madness 4 this site...there are too many to list here but here are a few...haylee, holly, andy, storm, karen, tommy thomlinson, nimbus nerafin, death, Blind Io, silly sucky sammy the slithery slimey saucpan and so many others
Favourite Quotes of madness!!!!!!!
'He who dares is daring'

'If we had some eggs, we could have some bacon and eggs, if we had some bacon'


"If at first u dont succeed skydiving isnt 4 u"

'Using the element of surprise a goldfish can beat the hell out of a gorilla!'

"The Cambodian tea party is bendy, yesterday"

"If at first u dont succeed.....destroy all the evidence u tried"

"yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil yentil"

if u r a monkey, then email me n i will add u to my big list of madmentalmegamonkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!:D join @:MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Site Map
Seen as tho we have more than 4 pages now, it seems reasonable to make sure u kno wot u r lettin yourself in for!

About: Who Is Satan? Dedicated to naming and shaming those evildoers!

What's New: Cult Of The Barbequed Watermellon. The official Buffallo religion (can also be refferred to as 'Buffalloism' or 'The Cult of the Buffallonians')

Contact: Contact details

Favourite Links: Links to stupid sites which you will probably be horrified by

Custom: My Friend Hal. Enough said (well, not really, but never mind)

Custom2: Tibor! Not ask you! Me no answer English In! Yes No Jammy Nose No!

Custom3: All About Us. Who, what, and Why we are (or aren't. it depends on the timne of day and amount of ingested intoxicants)

Photo Page: Photos (none yet, but hopefully it'll b up n runnin soon!)

Catalog: Stuff We Like. Basically about our hobbies/interests, etc.

Captions for pictures
As you can see this picture is quite boring, i will now jump off a bridge...aaagggggggghhhhhhhh, BUT NO BERT, DONT!
i have to, its or the good of the nuclear warheads all around the world.
But im pregnant!!!
But im gay! and ive got syphillis.....so go munch on the biscuits i left you with 'icing' on top!!!
OK darling, but only if i get to call the baby Jehovah?!
Of course my love! oh ahAH...what is it good for, absolutly nothing!!! YMCA! Young man......theres a place you can go............

p.s shooooooooooooooot me now!
Bert signing off
Leave Now

Notice: Works best with Linux. Not with Any money-hungry power-oriented bug-ridden piece of filth (poorly) mass-produced by Microsoft. Penis descriptions aren't a good idea for company names, Bill!