Here's where we document our travels across the net. be warned: there will be some scary, offensive sites in this list (mostly from Dutton ;-P )(thanks for that Bob!!!Mucho appreciatedo (?!)) so if you have eaten in the past 2 hours, are pregnant, have a heart, kidney or liver condition, extensive bleeding, or just want to keep your brain solid (and sane) i'd advise not clicking any of the blue thingys

An amazing shot of a hill. this bears no relevance to anything in particular, but it was there already & i cant be arsed changin it @ the mo. anyone for bananas? enjoy.
Search Engines
You know us as the Internet's original search engine.
Cute ikkle doggy! :-D
GOOOOOOOOOGLE!!!! isnt th@ a cool name! :-D
Favorite Sites
A Cow And Many Lovely Monkeys
This is 1 of the funniest sites to go on when you've lost coherence through beer, sleepyness, or too much jerking off in the shower. be warned, it gets progressively worse as u go along
Joelle's Sacred Grove
The others r gonna kill me 4 putting this here, but its a serious site! its one of my favourite sites on witchcraft, but plz no shit about it!
Next Evolution Hackers
This is one of the best sites i have been able to find on 'white' hacking. however, it does have a tendency to not work. from time to time
MusicXTabs is one of the best tab sites on the net (especially since TabCrawler's gone Ken Hom), and provides a massive selection of guitar, drum and bass tabs for most styles of song
This is the best porn site we know of. It has everything and we hope you enjot the full potential with having free links to other porn sites aswel. 18 AND OVER CONTENT!!! (this acts as our disclaimer so parents, please dont kick our ass' if your dumb ass kid goes to it!!!)
Steak and Cheese
This site has some of the mostest mingingist pictures on the net, try 'Predator' and 'Splithead'. But i wouldnt make this your home page or something of the sort coz then you know your really fucked up. This is also 18 AND OVER CONTENT (so the same disclaimer applies).
This is the site of my music school. Its not completed as yet, but once its done it should be worth looking at
Liz and Storms quality site!!!
This is our mates site from chester. They are wicked and also very erm...........funny:S but we love you really girls:) prepare yourself peeps!!! (HARSH IN PLACES):P
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