THE CULT OF THE BARBEQUED WATERMELLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This page is dedicated to the cult of the barbequed watemellon, or the COTBBQDWM for short!
The principal members of the cult are a cow and many lovely monkeys, the mootrons, myself and myself and myself(u kno who i'm talking to!). to become a principal member, you have to sodomise yourself with a charred giraffe fetus while balancing on your head on the highest point in Azerbaijan(itsa a real country, ive checked) and reciting the Bible backwards in Swahili in a French accent. but to become a sedimentary member, you just have to climb everest within 2 hours wearing a tutu and collecting lichen samples with a toothpick and a small aquatic mammal.
To join, email me with a picture of your act of dedication or just some Asian porn, and i will add you to the list: COTBBQDWM

The List Of Members
Liz S
Jim The Monkey
Mootron 1
Mootron 2
That Guy Over There


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